I can't possibly remember what had been happening doing or whatever recently, but I very much know/sure/sigh about the fact that results are like 24th and everyone were like omfg how, sigh scared cries whatever. and I'm very much included in this category. wtfg. hais. I know I'll flunk lo, I really do know. but i pray for a miracle.....
Anyway, caught vanished with zin,gk,dan,jason last night, homed around 12am+ slept woke & the next day to dar place for slacks and I gona go for that training we interviewed ystr at 630 later evening so meanwhile i guess I shall just slack around sleep talk play whatever at home or even to visit bugis for awhile to get certain things done. sucha long one. hahaha.
I hvn't got the very right mood to get my cny stuffs ready .. Aye anyway they should be done very soon .. Weekends are like working from 1pm-11pm ..there goes my weekends. no movie. no 85. no boatquay. =( 

Darling got this tiffiany&co necklace.. birthday? valentines'? or anniv?

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